4 Days in Berlin

Recently, while sitting on the couch watching House Hunters International, an urge to go to Berlin hit me. The episode wasn’t set in Berlin, but it was in Germany. This was my Berlin inspiration.  I’ve been to many places in Germany, but I still hadn’t visited Berlin. It was time to change that.  Lucky for me, it was easy to convince my husband to go on an adventure. A couple of hours later we’d booked our hotel and arranged for our pets to stay with my in-laws. We were ready to go!

We both made quick lists of things we wanted to do in Berlin, but we mostly played it by ear. Our planned activities included:

1. Hop On/Off Tour Bus (A tradition. We do it whenever we visit a new city.)

2.The Berlin Wall.

3. Check Point Charlie

4. East Side Gallery

After that, our plan was to wander around a bit and explore the history-rich city.





After our trip, I realized that four days is not enough time to explore Berlin. There is so much to do and see that I’m pretty sure I’d need at least a full week. I’m sure I’ll be posting about a follow-up trip in the future! For now, I’m signing off with more pictures and my list of must-do activities and sites in Berlin:

  1. Walk the Wall
  2. Memorial to Murdered Jews of Europe
  3. Museum Island
  4. Visit Potsdam
  5. Hop On/Off Tour
  6. Explore East Side of Berlin
  7. MonkeyBar








  1. A city with so much history! loved my visit! Check point charlie is the only thing in the city which for me didn’t live up to expectations… I don’t know suppose I just thought there’d be more there. Follow my blog as my next post will also be about Berlin 🙂

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